Sunday Newsletter: 2023.02.26

sunday newsletters Feb 26, 2023
Online Pilates newsletter

On Monday, Mollie showed “How the abdominals work” to illustrate the concept that learning one skill, on your back, is transferable to the next, on your stomach.

Contraction of the abdominal and hip flexor moves us forward and off of our backs. Similarly the contraction of the abdominal and hip extensor moves us backwards and off of our stomachs.

Do you know what prone (stomach on the mat) and supine (back on the mat) work together helps with? Being on our sides. Check out this week’s class themes to learn more!

Monday, February 27th @ 12PM with Destinie:
Humans are three-dimensional, but some of the Pilates exercises that bring us on to our side bodies can make us feel two-dimensional. Thankfully, the side-body exercises in the mat order occur after a significant amount of prone and supine work. Today’s class explores how mat exercises like footwork, the stomach series, and swan set us up to work on our sides for side-kick series, side kick kneeling, and side bend.

Wednesday, March 1st @ 12PM with Destinie:
Destinie gets requests for “feet” all the time in her Wednesday morning class and she turned it into a blog post! Pilates in Common started a blog last year, and we get our inspiration from students like you.Chirp up before class or email Destinie; your request may just turn into a cool and helpful blog post!