Sunday Newsletter: 2022.07.10

sunday newsletters Jul 10, 2022
Online Pilates newsletter

I’m a creature of habit - I have a green smoothie and 2 pieces of toast every Monday through Friday for lunch. This habit nourishes my body and simplifies a busy day. There are no choices, no indigestion or uncomfortable bloating; my body is used to eating this way. Bodies adapt to routines, including your Pilates practice. But without variety, and a little stress, we stay stagnant and unable to grow our resilience and be more adaptable.

This week’s themes are all about recognizing our Pilates routines and patterns and seeing if we can shake them up to feel and learn something new.

I have the same lunch every day Monday through Friday - a green smoothie and two pieces of toast. This routine simplifies a busy day. I don’t have to think or choose from too many choices when it comes to nourishing my body and I know how my body responds to this routine. I don’t have to deal with indigestion or uncomfortable bloating; my body is used to eating this way. Bodies adapt to routines, including your Pilates practice. And just like it’s important to break from a nutrition routine for a croque monsieur at weekend brunch, it’s important that we include variety into our Pilates so that our minds and our bodies don’t stagnate.

This week’s themes are all about recognizing our Pilates routines and patterns and seeing if we can shake them up to feel and learn something new.

Monday 7/11 @12PM with Destinie:
Find your range. Today, we explore our individual ranges of motion to make sure we’re getting the most from our available capacity. Are you getting to most out of each exercise?

Wednesday 7/13 @8am with Destinie:
Grab Bag! Come to class with a question for Destinie or region of the body to explore. Last week someone mentioned feeling tight in the external rotators of the rotator cuff - brilliant!

Friday 7/15 @12PM with Nicole:
Life is a series of transitional moments, and so is Pilates. Today, we’ll focus on the transitions between the exercises so that each exercise feels like a steady advancement to the next. Let’s change directions, adapt, and keep moving.

See you on the mat!