Sunday Newsletter: 2022.10.01

sunday newsletters Oct 02, 2022
Online Pilates newsletter

October is our favorite month … Can you guess why – skeletons! Bones are so cool, and joints to us are the black cat’s meow (mom jokes anyone?!).

A joint is where two or more bones come together and they’re connected by ligaments. Go ahead and bend your elbow - that’s a joint. A ligament’s job is to transfer forces between bones to help stabilize the joint. Your ability to transfer forces, or tensile stress, between bones is how we keep our joints healthy. It doesn’t matter how old, flexible or strong you are, you can always improve your joint function.

This week we’ll take a closer look at how we move our bones – away from each other, towards each other, one within another – and see if that changes the quality of your movement. Here’s a secret, when we can visualize our bones we can set clear intentions which helps the body anticipate, predict, and guide healthy joint movement. Let’s get this bone party started.

Monday, October 3rd @ 12PM with Destinie
Ever had hip-joint pain? I was born with hip dysplasia. Basically, the sockets of my hips bones are more shallow than ideal, leaving the head of my femur bone less stable in the joint. Not awesome, but a well informed Pilates practice helps manage my condition. Today, we’ll look at the Os Coxa and Femur so that we can move our hips with better strength and stability.

Wednesday, October 5th @ 8AM with Destinie
Grab Bag! Wake up with a stiff neck? Tell Destinie! Wednesday’s classes are all about choosing exercises based on YOUR needs, so take advantage of it!

Friday, October 7th @ 12PM with Nicole
26 bones, 33 joints, over a hundred muscles, the foot even has a similar concentration of sensory nerve ends as the hand! Today, we’ll wake up the feet, strengthen your arch support and improve your ankle joints function. You’ll leave more grounded and balanced.