Sunday Newsletter: 2022.08.21

sunday newsletters Aug 21, 2022
Online Pilates newsletter

Have you played the game Jenga? Basically, players take turns sliding wood blocks from a tower constructed of 54 blocks. After a block is removed the player places it on top of the tower, but soon that stable tower turns into a topsy-turvy mess. If the tower falls, you lose.

There’s an applicable lesson to learn: although pieces are separate, one block affects another.
Slip the wrong block and the tower topples; wiggle another askew, and the whole structure is out of balance. Can you see where we’re going?

This week’s themes explore the relationship between the Jenga blocks of our shoulders and hips. We’ll often get requests to “work on the shoulders,” yet we surprise people when we put emphasis on the hips. Why? Just like the bottom blocks in Jenga, hip stability affects shoulder stability (and vice versa). Let’s explore this relationship!

Monday 8/22 @12PM with Destinie
Can shoulder stability help us balance through the hips? Can hip stability help shoulder stability? Let’s find out! Props: small pair of hand weights or canned goods.

Wednesday 8/24 @8AM with Destinie
Grab Bag - bring a request. Pilates is meant to serve the practitioner (that’s you)! Every request is a teachable moment for us all.

Friday 8/26 @12PM with Nicole
🎶 Cha-cha-chains, muscle chains! 🎶 Let’s explore how muscles chains in our front and back body work together to connect the arms and pelvis for better balance, strength and freedom of movement.