A reasons Pilates is so effective as exercise is because during one workout your body experiences all three types of muscle contractions. For example, your rectus abdominis, aka the six pack muscle, is contracted isometrically (held), concentrically (shortened) and eccentrically (lengthened) within the first few minutes of mat class!
In the hundreds, we isometrically contract the rectus to hold spinal flexion. In the beginning of a roll up, we concentrically contract the rectus to flex the spine off the ground. And as we roll down from the roll up, we eccentrically contract the rectus to control the spine back into extension. The more familiar these types of contractions feel in your body, the better you can self-monitor throughout your Pilates practice, or any other physical activities you enjoy.
This week’s themes are all about helping you build a better understanding of muscle contractions.
Monday 8/15 @12PM with Destinie:
Did you know that speed and whether or not your weight-bearing impacts what type of muscle contraction occurs during movement? Today’s class explores how pace and weight affect your Pilates practice. Prop: light pair of hand weights (canned goods work well too!).
Wednesday 8/17 @8AM with Destinie:
Grab bag! Big shout out to those making requests at the beginning of class. Last week was a particularly fun challenge tying together head position, shoulder openers, and hip openers.
Friday 8/19 @12PM with Nicole:
Today is all about the stretch. We’ll focus on how active muscle contractions can illicit your body’s natural response to relax and strengthen opposing muscles - a process called reciprocal inhibition.