You know the term “muscle memory?” It is not that your muscles have a literal memory as much as your brain remembers how to signal your muscles. Pilates is effective because we utilize repetition to help us learn.
Pertaining to movement specifically, repetition helps us replace old, compensatory movement patterns with new, more efficient ones over time. So to work the muscles, we have to work the brain with repetition.
This is why Mondays classes are themed. Last week Mollie taught us to stand on our hands. Can you repeat something you learned from last week’s class in tomorrow’s hand-to-shoulder focused class with Destinie?
Monday, April 10th @ 12PM with Destinie:
Did you know that gripping mechanics affect shoulder mechanics? Yep! But when’s the last time you worked on your grip? Today we’ll learn how our grip and our hands help us access our deep shoulder stabilizers so that we can end class with everyone’s favorite exercise – the push-up! Props: a hand-towel.
Wednesday, April 12th @ 8AM with Destinie:
Grab Bag! Destinie is back and refreshed from her honeymoon and you can bet that she read some anatomy and movement material on the plane –she’s ready for requests!