Sunday Newsletter: 2022.07.10

sunday newsletters Jul 10, 2022
Online Pilates newsletter

Have you just been obsessed with finding your transverse abdominis and gluteus medius since learning about them in class last week? Core stability makes for great table conversation over Thanksgiving dinner - just FYI. Be THAT person; we give you permission.

But what other muscles are so cool to learn about that you’ll just want to teach everyone you run into? Well, considering there are over 600 individual muscles in the human body, it’s helpful that there are muscle groups.

This week’s themes are all about groups of muscles that work together.

Monday, November 7th @ 12PM with Destinie
When learning anatomy, get used to acronyms. Acronyms are actually a memorization strategy called “chunking.” Today we’ll learn about SITS - Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, and Subscapularis. Say that ten times fast. SITS is an acronym for the muscles of the rotator cuff and if you’ve taken class with me before, you’ll have heard my rant on how “rotator cuff” is just a bad name for what this muscle group actually does. Join me today and learn why I’d rather call this group the “compression cuff.”

Wednesday, November 9th @ 8AM with Destinie
Grab Bag! As always, Destinie takes requests on demand according to your interests and needs. Don’t be shy, make a wish!

Friday, November 11th @ 12PM with Nicole
I often hear twisting is hard and sidebending feels easy –is that you? If it is you, then today’s class will be a fun exploration of your internal and external obliques and how to use them! The obliques are important antagonists (e.g. action counteracts) of your back muscles. If weak, you might experience back pain, a slouched posture or diastasis recti (i.e. abdominal separation) from becoming overweight or pregnant.