Sunday Newsletter: 2022.10.30

sunday newsletters Oct 30, 2022
Online Pilates newsletter

We enjoyed the bones theme for October so much that we’ve decided November is the month for muscles! We need to “condition” for all the heavy drumstick lifting;)

In all seriousness, we want our themed classes to help you feel knowledgeable and empowered in your Pilates practice. At Pilates in Common, we’re clear about calling ourselves “teachers,” not “instructors.” Our classes are designed to give you ownership over your movement so you can apply what you learn in class to your sport, life or craft. When you learn, we learn and that’s a win-win.

Okay, back to muscles. We use anatomical language a lot in class to 1. be clear and specific 2. help you create a map of your body. However, sometimes you might not know your quadriceps are in the from of your thigh and your hamstrings are in the back, or exactly where your serratus is on your ribcage –it’s okay not to know and we’re here to help you learn.

This week’s classes are all about those muscles you may hear mentioned during class that you haven’t a clue about.

Monday, October 31st @ 12PM with Destinie
TVA. It’s the code for an airport in Madagascar for all of my Jeopardy! It also stands for Transverse Abdominis. If you’ve heard cues to find your internal “corset” or “weight belt,” those cues target the TVA. The TVA is the deepest of the abdominals and protects your internal organs by holding them in place –no big deal. In today’s class, we’ll meet the TVA and learn just how simple it is to contract it. Props: theraband or full-size towel.

Wednesday, November 2nd @ 8AM with Nicole (amazing sub alert!)
Gain a different perspective and give your requests to Nicole;) Fun fact, she was Destinie’s first Pilates teacher!

Friday, November 4th @ 12PM with Nicole
Lateral hip –can you be more specific?! Okay, lateral hip = gluteus medius, gluteus minimus and tensor fascia latae (TFL). Anyone here need to walk or run in life? Well, the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus stabilize one side of your pelvis and hip joint as you shift weight to the other side, while the TFL controls tension on the iliotibial band (IT band) to help stabilize your knee. Today, learn how to use these muscles to protect against hip and knee pain.