Sunday Newsletter: 2022.09.04

sunday newsletters Sep 04, 2022
Online Pilates newsletter

It’s not uncommon to feel like, “I felt strained in my neck,” during the Hundreds, or any ab exercises for that matter. In fact our lifestyles promote a forward head position and the truth is, it’s really challenging to avoid strain around your neck.

Think about when you’re driving – do you ever use your head rest? Or when you're walking – do you look down at your feet? Take inventory of how much time you spend looking down, because our daily living tends to pitch our heads forward. This over contracts our neck extensors (muscles in the back of the neck) and over lengthens our deep neck flexors (muscles in the front of the neck). These deep neck flexors are often referred to as our “neck abs,” so no wonder why they feel strained, they’re deconditioned.

This week’s themes are all about strengthening our “neck abs” so that over time, the only thing you’ll feel in the Hundreds is that hot internal shower.

Monday 9/5/22 @12PM with Destinie:
Labor Day neck length and strength. Today’s class begins with a fascial massage to get the juices in the area flowing, followed by a series of exercises to reset the skull over the cervical spine. You’ll leave with a new understanding of what it takes to flex the cervical spine to support your 8-11 pound head! (Fun fact: Destinie was 8.2lb when she was born…just let that sink in). Props: Small hand towel to class!

Wednesday 9/7/22 @8AM with Destinie:
Grab Bag! Last week’s request for “abs” really lit up the class!

Friday 9/9/22 @12PM with Nicole:
The neck strain is real. Why? We’re sure you’ve all heard of forward head position and the truth is, it’s really challenging to avoid. More than just working at a computer or looking at your phone causes us to jut our heads forward off center. Think about when you’re driving - do you ever use your head rest? Or think about when you're walking, where are you looking? Have kids or do most of the cooking in your household? Daily living tends to pitch our heads forward. This over contracts our neck extensors (muscles in the back of the neck) and over lengthens our deep neck flexors (muscles in the front of the neck). These deep neck flexors are often referred to as our “neck abs.” This week’s themes are all about strengthening our neck abs so that over time, the only thing you’ll feel in hundreds is that hot internal shower.