Sunday Newsletter: 2023.01.08

sunday newsletters Jan 08, 2023
Online Pilates newsletter

We start today with a pop quiz! If you attended Destinie’s 1/2 mat class at 12PM, you’ll know the answer.

Flexion ____ the angle between two bones at the joint.

a). Increases
b). Decreases
c). It depends

The answer is…
Drumroll, please!


Flexion decreases the angle between two bones at a joint. Confused? Bend your elbow. Bending your elbow is elbow flexion. The bones in your forearm (ulna and radius) get closer to your upper arm bone (humerus), thereby decreasing the angle where the three bones meet.

Bonus round!
Fill in the blank:
Forward flexion occurs in the ____ plane.

The answer rhymes with ped-o-pull (kinda).


Forward flexion occurs in the sagittal plane. Remember, this plane splits the body down the midline into a right and a left half. But, what about lateral flexion, a.k.a, side-bending? Check out the graphic below and Mollie’s class theme:

Monday, January 9th @ 12PM with Mollie:
Humans are really good at moving forward. Even if you’ve never had to run from a saber-toothed tiger you’re still moving along the sagittal plane when you successfully cue in line at Tartine. But what about all that good stuff that occurs on either side of the midline? In today’s class we’ll explore the short side of your mat as we zig zag our way through the Pilates repertoire.

Wednesday, January 11th @ 8AM with Destinie:
Grab Bag! Did the holidays get ya?! If so, good! Letting loose and then bouncing back into good habits is a sign of a good pilates practice. What does your body need to recover from new years eve? Let Destinie know!