When recovering from a head cold, have you have lost your ability to “feel” your body in space? Well your cold skewed your proprioception - it’s actually very common.
Proprioception is known as the body’s “sixth sense” and refers to your body’s sense of self-movement, force, and body position. Our nervous systems use proprioception to figure out where the body is in space - pretty important stuff. Ever wonder how we walk without needing to look down at our feet? Proprioception!
This week’s themes are all about helping us connect better to this innate ability.
Monday 8/8 @12PM with Destinie
Eyes closed, find your nose! What happens when we remove vision from our sensory input equation? Learn how removing one sense helps you develop the “sixth sense.”
Wednesday 8/10 @8AM with Destinie
Gab Bag! Keep the good suggestions coming! Enjoy a theme from a previous week, feel free to share with Destinie at the beginning of class for a refresher!
Friday 8/12 @ 12PM with Keegan
The mind-body connection is a two way street. Our brains receive proprioceptive information from our sensory nerves, our muscles receive information from our brains through motor nerves. Today we’ll work our brains & bodies in hopes of attaining the “mental vigor” and “sensation of uplift” that Mr. Pilates describes.