Sunday Newsletter: 2022.10.16

sunday newsletters Oct 16, 2022
Online Pilates newsletter

Bones, and more bones! Wow, we’ve received so much positive feedback on our boned-themed classes that we’re getting wild and making October a bone themed month;)

Next up: the spine. Our spine bones, otherwise known as vertebra(e), are classified as “irregular” bones. To understand why, just take a look at one below! The vertebrae of each section of the spine have their own special characteristics that impact mobility. For example, the vertebra shown below is one of the thoracic spine. The pointy nub in the middle, that’s what’s called the spinous processes. The spinous processes of the thoracic spine are angled more downward than any other vertebrae and therefore limit the amount of extension available. Computer culture + limited thoracic extension = lightbulb moment?


This week’s classes are all about stimulating our lightbulb moments when it comes to spinal movement.

Monday, October 17th @ 12PM with Destinie:
Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral. Seven, Twelve, Five, Five but fused. Today’s class begins with a closer look at how the architecture of each section of the spine impacts movements. Ever notice how easy it is to arch your low back, but not so easy to arch your upper back? There’s a reason for that and it’s in the bones.

Friday, October 21st @12PM with Nicole:

Wednesday, October 19th @8AM with Destinie:
Grab Bag! Have a request? Last week, we kept it classical and attempted to get through as much of the Classical Pilates Mat order as possible. That’s always fun.

Friday, October 21st @12PM with Nicole:
Save your neck and free your shoulders: today we’re addressing thoracic mobility (aka T-Spine mobilization). We’ll start with a quick assessment then improve shoulder range of motion and rib stiffness as they can cause restricted motion in the thoracic spine. Props: soft ball (yoga tune-ups or melt ball), theraband and towel.