Sunday Newsletter: 2022.11.13

sunday newsletters Nov 13, 2022
Online Pilates newsletter

Joseph Pilates once said, “Breathing is the first act of life and the last. Our very life depends on it.” Preach, JP, Preach! This week's themes are all about our breathing muscles. We cue breathing every time we teach. Why? Breathing helps organize the body. It helps reduce tension so that movement is possible. Additionally, breathing activates the core.

Join us this week to to sense the expansion and contraction of two muscles - the diaphragm and the pelvic floor.

Monday, November 14th @ 12PM with Destinie:
Breathing is one of the most beautiful rhythms present in the human body. How do we feel this rhythm? When we inhale, the diaphragm contracts and flattens while the pelvic floor descends and relaxes. When we exhale, the diaphragm relaxes, parachuting up into the lungs while the pelvic floor lifts and contracts. It’s like a dance; one partner steps back as the other steps forward. Today’s class helps us feel the rhythm and find the dance of breath.

Wednesday, November 16th @ 8AM with Destinie:
Grab Bag! Last week Destinie got requests to address low abdominals and tight shoulders. Are the two related? They can be! Join class next week with a request to see how we can create indirect effects on one area of the body by focusing on another.

Friday, November 18th @ 12PM with Nicole:
Freedom – is it a felt sense? Absolutely. One of my favorite ways to feel free is through breathwork. That’s right, free from restrictions and internally supported regardless of the direction I choose to move. Piggy-backing on Monday’s dance, we'll explore exercises in the Pilates repertoire that improve chest flexibility and make our lungs more adaptable. Two necessary components to help the diaphragm - pelvic floor dance.