Sunday Newsletter: 2022.10.23

sunday newsletters Oct 23, 2022
Online Pilates newsletter

We’re moving right along in our month of bones. Next stop: the talocrural joint, aka, the ankle. Did you know that the ankle joint is formed by the meeting of three bones? Both the tibia and the fibula (your shin bones) articulate with a bone called the talus, and boy is the talus a real beauty.

As we learned from Nicole earlier this month, the foot is made up of 26 bones. Well, the talus is the summit, meaning how the bones below it align affect ankle joint mobility, stability, and flexibility. Same is true with the bones above the talus. The tibia articulates with the femur to create the knee joint. The femur articulates with the pelvis. So pelvic control is essential for ankle health and vise versa.

This week, find out how understanding your ankle helps you connect to your feet and hips.

Monday, October 24th @12PM with Destinie
Above and below. Today’s class starts with a standing balance assessment. Then we explore how footwork, hip stability, and shoulder stability affect our ability to dynamically stabilize our biarticular ankle joint.

Wednesday, October 26th @ 8AM with Destinie
Grab Bag! Wow, last week’s class was request packed: hamstring and inner thigh opening; shoulder opening; and addressing tight ankles! Did we get ‘em all? You bet.

Friday, October 28th @ 12PM with Nicole
Today we’ll play a game of telephone: the foot sends a message to the hip which “passes through” the knee to help us balance. Building off Monday’s class, we’ll improve a necessary and often overlooked skill, walking. Props: a chair.