Sunday Newsletter: 2022.06.26

sunday newsletters Jun 26, 2022
Online Pilates newsletter

Do you ever wake up and decide today sucks before you even roll out of bed?
Okay, life might smell like a dumpster fire but it is a choice to put your Debbie downer shoes on.

Now, more than ever, I find myself turning to movement when I’m down. It’s something that I can choose, it’s something that I can control, it’s something that I do for me, and only me. Movement gets the blood pumping and those feel-better endorphins flowing. Goodbye, Deb.

This week’s themes are all about turning things around.

Monday 6/27 @ 12 pm with Destinie:
What does it take to turn your head? Hint: it’s more than just your neck. Today’s class starts with a head turn assessment, followed by a self-facial massage and exploration of the structures that allow for cervical rotation

Wednesday 6/29 @ 8am with Destinie:
As always, Wednesday mornings are our GRAB BAG class. Come with requests for Destinie!

Friday 7/1 @ 12pm with Nicole:
We spend our life in seated postures. Most of us, despite our good intentions, are slumped in front of our devices. Poor posture doesn’t only have physical effects but psychological effects too! Today you’ll explore how “expansion” of the arms and spine is one way you can improve your overall mood and sense of power.

Need an immediate pick me up? Listen to this song - it works!

See you cats on the mat!