What makes one Pilates exercise an “advanced” exercise and another a “beginner” exercise? There are several factors:
Complexity: Advanced exercises are generally more complex, involving multiple muscle groups and coordination, while beginner exercises focus on simpler movements and isolated muscle groups to help build foundational strength.
Stability and balance: Advanced exercises often require greater stability and balance, challenging the body's ability to maintain proper alignment and form throughout the movement. Beginner exercises tend to provide more support, focusing on building the necessary stability and balance skills.
Strength and flexibility: Advanced exercises demand a higher level of strength and flexibility to perform the movements correctly. Beginner exercises are designed to progressively build strength and flexibility, preparing the body for more challenging movements.
Body awareness and control: Advanced exercises require greater body awareness and control to execute the movements with precision and proper form. Beginner exercises help develop this awareness and control by focusing on simpler movements that require less concentration.
Monday, May 15th @ 12PM with Mollie
Teaser with hip circles is the ultimate everything all at once exercise. We start with teaser (yes, you read that right, the base of this exercise is teaser - everyone's “favorite” and least understood exercise) and then we add some fancy legs, and arms, and well, some spinal movement as well! It’s a hot wiggly mess and it’s SO MUCH FUN. In all seriousness, it really is one of my favorites. Join me in breaking this bad baby down into manageable chunks and then building her back up to her full potential.
Wednesday, May 17th @ 8AM with Destinie
BYOR – Bring Your Own Requests.
Friday, May 19th @ 10AM with Destinie
MELTā“‡ into the Weekend.
Only two classes remain for our special MELTā“‡ pop-up class! This class starts with MELTā“‡ mindfulness and breathwork techniques and is followed by a Pilates flow. Students are blown away by how Pilates feels after MELTing. One student commented:
“For me it was the best bridge that I have ever done. It felt perfect, the stretch in the quads, the heels pulling back with the knees forward, the butt was activated to keep my hips up with a relaxed pelvis and lower back and my shoulders were down along with the upper ribs. In short, it was an effortless bridge and felt great. Amazing!”
Pilates – it’s a “method,” but what does that mean? It means that Pilates isn’t just haphazard exercise, it’s a system with an order, levels, and guiding principles. Check out this post to learn more about the Six principles of Pilates. If you have trouble with a particular exercise, see if thinking about a principle or two helps!