Sunday Newsletter: 2023.08.06

sunday newsletters Aug 06, 2023
Online Pilates newsletter

We humans are designed to move, and a consistent Pilates practice helps in several ways:

  • Builds strength, flexibility, and stamina, leading to improved posture and coordination.
  • Reduces stress, improves mood, and enhances cognitive function by promoting better blood flow to the brain.
  • Encourages mindfulness and a sense of balance in daily life.

One important benefit of Pilates that we don't always point out is stamina. Stamina refers to the capacity to maintain physical or mental effort over extended periods without succumbing to fatigue. It's a crucial measure of endurance that reflects how long an individual can perform a specific activity, whether that's running a marathon or focusing on a complex task at work.

At Pilates in Common, we prioritize helping our students improve proprioception and muscle coordination by slowing down movements. This builds mental stamina, as without mental stamina, there is no mind-body exercise. 

But this month, we are focusing on building another essential aspect of stamina: physicality, endurance, and muscular strength. Read on to learn more. 



Monday, August 7th @ 12PM with Mollie:

The reformer is the most popular piece of Pilates equipment—why? It’s versatile and provides a full-body workout that makes you sweat. One of the aspects I love about working on the reformer is the support that the springs offer us as we move. Join me on a Monday for a reformer-inspired mat class—bring hand weights/soup cans/something to hold onto!

Wednesday, August 9th @ 8AM with Destinie:

BYOB: Bring Your Own Request! Reading this newsletter and interested in a stamina-focused class? Let Destinie know! 


Research by Latey (2001) in the "Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies" has shown that practicing Pilates regularly can enhance both physical and mental stamina.

Physically, Pilates targets the deep muscles, improving muscular endurance, and cardiovascular efficiency. The focus on controlled, precise movements helps in energy conservation, allowing practitioners to perform activities for extended periods without fatigue. A 2017 study published in the "Journal of Physical Activity & Health" showed that improved stamina was correlated with a reduced risk of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. The ability to maintain physical activity over time can lead to better weight management, improved metabolic health, and greater overall vitality.

Mentally, Pilates emphasizes mindfulness and conscious breathing, which can enhance mental resilience and focus. The interconnectedness of body and mind cultivated through Pilates encourages a sense of balance and alignment that extends beyond the exercise itself, contributing to building stamina in various aspects of life. A study conducted by Converse and DeShon (2009) in the "Journal of Applied Psychology" examined mental stamina in a work environment. The research found that workers with higher levels of mental endurance were more productive, able to sustain concentration over long periods, and better at problem-solving.

Whether you're seeking peak athletic performance or  looking to navigate daily life with vigor and vitality, Pilates offers a versatile and effective approach to building and nurturing stamina. It can, therefore, be seen as an investment in enhancing one's quality of life, opening doors to achieving greater potential, and fostering overall well-being.