Sunday Newsletter: 2023.08.13

sunday newsletters Aug 13, 2023
Online Pilates newsletter

Did last Monday’s “Reformer on the Mat” class with Mollie have you work-work-working?

So, what exactly got worked?

  • Muscles – Absolutely! We activated plenty, right down to your heart. Hello, cardiovascular endurance.
  • Brain – Undoubtedly! Pilates is a game of focus, concentration, and precision. It calls upon your mind to stay sharp amidst every move.
  • Stamina – A resounding yes! Let's not forget, stamina is our theme for August. The beauty of building stamina—defined as the ability to endure prolonged physical or mental tasks—is that its benefits aren't limited to your Pilates sessions. Stamina is that superpower honed on the mat but used daily, boosting your performance, mitigating fatigue, and prepping you to face any challenge head-on.

Missed Reformer on the mat? Don't fret. There is another opportunity to experience it this month.

As for tomorrow? Dive into our newsletter to discover the stamina-centric class Nicole has planned! Trust us – you won't want to miss out.


Monday, August 14th @ 12pm with Nicole: 

Why is repetition a cornerstone of Pilates? Because Repetition + Attention = Lasting Change. Join me this Monday for the One Rep Mat, where each exercise repetition seamlessly transitions us to the next, and then we begin anew, gradually adding one rep at a time. Let’s harness the power of repetition to elevate our stamina! 

Wednesday, August 16th @ 8am with Destinie: 

BYOB: Bring Your Own Request! Did you party all weekend long at Outsidelands and need some restorative movement? Let Destinie know! 


It’s nice to have the scientific community back up what we teach! Click the pic to read about the biological basis of stamina.