Sunday Newsletter: 2023.10.08

sunday newsletters Oct 08, 2023
Online Pilates newsletter

Do you remember these striking headlines from a few years ago, "Sitting – The New Smoking" and "Sit Yourself to Death"? We certainly do.

Prolonged sitting not only causes muscles and connective tissue to become compressed and weakened, eventually leading to stiffness. Prolonged sitting can also result in misalignment of our skeletal structure, particularly when we're deeply engrossed in computer work, which is all too common these days.

You might think that the solution is to stand up more often, and sure, many people have adopted standing desks to address this issue. But standing comes with its own set of potential problems because it's possible to stand in a way that replicates the negative effects of sitting. Merely standing doesn't guarantee perfect posture, as illustrated in the accompanying image. As the image demonstrates, a lot can go wrong even when upright.

Good news is you’re a Pilates in Common-er which means you have tools to actually combat sitting by standing with ideal form. Join Mollie this week to learn how!


Monday, October 9th @ 12pm with Mollie:

Join me on Monday for a little extra boost of Pilates as we explore Pilates on our feet! Whether it’s waiting in line with more comfort or finally understanding the hype behind the standing desk phenomenon…..I look forward to seeing you upright!

Since we will be spending more time on our feet, please try your best to make sure your camera set up is ready for this slight adjustment. I’ll be on a couple of minutes early if you have any questions.

Wednesday, October 4th @8am with Destinie:

No class this week! But catch Destinie Friday at 9am for some foam rolling love!


Friday, October 13th @ 9am with Destinie:

MELTⓇ into the Weekend Back by popular demand! Designed to rehydrate your connective tissue, say goodbye to stiffness as you unlock greater flexibility and mobility. It's the perfect stress-buster, weekend mood-setter to cap off your week.

*Full-length foam roller required—we recommend this specific one, but any full-length roller that you can lie on from head to tail will do the job.*

*As always – if you can’t make it live for class, just sign up to receive the recording automatically.*