Sunday Newsletter: 2023.12.24

sunday newsletters Dec 24, 2023
Online Pilates newsletter

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, as the year winds down, your schedule did too? But with the holiday season in full swing, our schedules often get busier. In this hustle, it's too easy to let self-care routines slide. However, it doesn't have to be this way. Here's a tip: set your alarms early and prioritize your self-care before the rest of the world – your kids, your neighbors, your busy schedule – wakes up.

Still not convinced about the benefits of early morning exercise? Exercising first thing in the morning offers major advantages, such as:

🧠 Improved Focus and Mental Clarity: Engaging in physical activity early in the day can boost brain function, resulting in better concentration and productivity.

📈 Elevated Mood: Exercise releases endorphins, which can improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety, setting a positive tone for the day.

💪 Increased Energy Levels: Regular morning workouts can lead to higher energy levels throughout the day, as opposed to feeling sluggish or tired.

We’ve got just one class this week. Sign up to get on the morning exercise benefits train!



Wednesday, December 27th @ 8am with Destinie:
BYOR: Bring Your Own Requests!
Here's a little-known, or perhaps well-known, secret: I'm not naturally a morning person. But every Wednesday morning, I magically transform into one, all thanks to the energy, dedication, and enthusiasm of our 8 AM-ers at PiC. Your requests and participation are like my morning cups of coffee, energizing and inspiring. Don't miss out on the opportunity to join me for the last group class of 2023!

Holiday Schedule:
Monday, December 25th: No 12pm class
Monday, January 1st, 2024: No 12pm class
Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024: No 8am class