This week’s newsletter kicks off with some housekeeping details. Our primary aim is to ensure you, our Pilates community, stay updated and...
When you think of summertime, what comes to mind? Watermelon, sunshine, pool time, taking a vacation. Ah - so nice. But, with more traveling and a...
Raise your hand if you’re loving our prop-themed July classes so far! We heard Nicole’s Theraband class activated some shoulder...
Did you know that when we squat down to the floor, our muscles need eccentric control? This allows them to lengthen under tension so that when...
A little encouragement goes a long way. Just browse through Google Scholar to find study after study showing that external acts of verbal...
Check out the letter “S” in different fonts.
The "S" curve of your spine is as unique as each of these fonts. Yes, we'd like the...
As movement enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals, we're always seeking ways to enhance our performance, speed up recovery, and prevent...
A month dedicated to squatting would not be complete without mentioning the glutes - aka, YOUR BUTT. And can we really talk about butts without...
Ah, the knee joint - or, scientifically speaking, the tibiofemoral joint. What can we deduce from its name? "Tibio" alludes to the tibia, one of...
To quote the wise words of anthropologist Matt Cartmill from Boston University, "Evolution doesn't act to yield perfection, it acts to yield...
Lumbo-Pelvic stability, an essential component of the human movement system, relates to the balanced interplay between our lower back (lumbar...
June is a special month for Pilates in Common because June is our birthday month – we are FIVE this year! To celebrate, we are hosting a...