Sunday Newsletter: 2022.08.21 sunday newsletters

Have you played the game Jenga? Basically, players take turns sliding wood blocks from a tower constructed of 54 blocks. After a block is removed...

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Sunday Newsletter: 2022.08.14 sunday newsletters

A reasons Pilates is so effective as exercise is because during one workout your body experiences all three types of muscle contractions. For...

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Sunday Newsletter: 2022.08.07 sunday newsletters

When recovering from a head cold, have you have lost your ability to “feel” your body in space? Well your cold skewed your...

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Sunday Newsletter: 2022.07.31 sunday newsletters

Let’s step back in time for a moment – do you remember the SATs and those towering stacks of vocabulary flashcards that you...

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Sunday Newsletter: 2022.07.24 sunday newsletters

Last week we learned that our core is three-dimensional; it spans from your back body around your sides into your front body and it has a top and a...

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Sunday Newsletter: 2022.07.17 sunday newsletters

If you’ve struggled with chronic low back pain, a visit to your doctors or a quick google search will most likely result in telling you to...

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Sunday Newsletter: 2022.07.10 sunday newsletters

Have you just been obsessed with finding your transverse abdominis and gluteus medius since learning about them in class last week? Core stability...

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Sunday Newsletter: 2022.07.10 sunday newsletters

I’m a creature of habit - I have a green smoothie and 2 pieces of toast every Monday through Friday for lunch. This habit nourishes my body...

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Sunday Newsletter: 2022.07.03 sunday newsletters

As much as we try to avoid it, we all sit for multiple hours a day. Point the finger at modern society! But do you know what sitting does to the...

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Sunday Newsletter: 2022.06.26 sunday newsletters

Do you ever wake up and decide today sucks before you even roll out of bed?
Okay, life might smell like a dumpster fire but it is a choice to put...

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Sunday Newsletter: 2022.06.19 sunday newsletters

I started a gratitude journal, and I can already see the benefit for making it a daily practice. I’m often grateful for my body and my...

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Sunday Newsletter: 2022.06.12 sunday newsletters

Yesterday I used the term “shoulder girdle” in reference to a client’s posture. My client responded, “Why do they call it a...

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